Drumshack Durban Djembe Drum Shop
Drumshack Durban Djembe Drum Shop ~ Sales & Repairs
In Durban, looking for a Djembe drum? At our Drumshack studio you will find only hand crafted solid wood Djembe drums – each unique & individually carved.
Selecting a Drumshack hand crafted Djembe drum in Durban and surrounds is as easy as a click away.
For a preview of our current stock selection simply contact us on +27 83 704 4879
We will take you through our current stock sizes and styles in the comfort of your own home or time frame.
Delivery via courier service if required.
Contact Us For Images Of Our Current Stock Selection.
Drum Repair Service
Here at the Drumshack Studio we undertake all Djembe & Bongo drum repairs ~ from refurbishing to re-heading ~ oiling, crack repair & tuning. Our natural leather hides ensure your Djembe has an authentic original sound capacity from bass to tone frequencies.
Drop off your drum for a professional makeover – raw linseed oiling and fine tuning!
A hand-made drum from Africa is a piece of art. What somebody crafted with his hands, heart and great effort is worth receiving your best care. Or, it may be a good time to add a little extra and breathe new life into your drum, ask us about adding a personalised drum head, woodburn, colored rope or our new drum tattoo!